Michael F.
I want you to know how much I appreciate all that we have accomplished together since you began treating me. My health has improved greatly, and I wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that my life has been transformed. The many years I struggled with diabetes, obesity, and other serious health problems are behind me.
Seattle Family Doctor
Polly makes it work. As a clinician and a coach, Polly offers patients a very individualized plan. Her way of eating is flexible, forgiving, empowering, and even fun. As a primary care doctor, I see a lot of folks needing and wanting to lose weight. I have referred several patients to Polly and they are seeing results!
Cynthia P
Seattle, WA
I lost 50 pounds and reversed my diabetes. Polly has made of all of this possible, with her acceptance of the reality of life, her background in science, her compassion for times I don't want to weigh-in, and especially her encouragement.
More than anything, I want to play with my grandkids and hike the trails. Polly's support has made this possible.
Thanks for keeping my head in the game and my heart focused on what's important!
Seattle Physician
I’ve known Polly for a few years. I was excited to hear she had embarked on a new venture of her own. I did not realize that I would need her help one day! After many years in practice, I was not taking good care of myself. Fortunately, I got in contact with her and it has made a huge difference.
I’ve lost over 75 lbs and reversed my diabetes with the lifestyle changes she recommended. I dropped my Hga1c back into a normal range, and am very happy with buying all new clothes! I’ve learned a lot and I’m taking this info to my own patients. I can’t thank her enough!