Low-carb beef burrito with Pico de Gallo
Low-carb Beef Burrito recipe, with tasty Pico de Gallo
How Not to Lose Your Mind
I am not alone when I say that one my biggest fears as I age is developing dementia. When talking to my friends, they all same the...
Keto pesto chicken casserole with feta cheese and olives
Mediterranean superstars — feta cheese, olives, and pesto — unite in this creamy, easy-to-make keto chicken dish. Give it a go. Your taste b
The Science of Metabolism
Remember the Biggest Loser? This is the show where the participants took part in an extremely vigorous exercise program while at the same t
Greetings and Welcome
My goal is to pique your curiosity, inform you of current science, and challenge your previously held beliefs - but above it all, I hope to